Shade Loving Plants
Planning for the shade spots in your garden can seem challenging. We all have that area in the garden that gets neglected because we just don’t know what to do with it. I like a good challenge, and I’m hoping that we can discover some solutions for you here.
I don’t know about you but I get excited when spring comes and I start to see all the garden centre’s open with fresh new plants and planters. When is comes to your garden, just like anything, it is important to have a plan. Do some research, know what you like, this will give you a lot more confidence when you start shopping for your projects.
Next time your in the garden centre check out these great shade loving plant options that will give your shaded areas life and character…
Bleeding Heart, this is a shade loving perennial. They bloom from early spring to summer. They can grow up to 47″ high and 18″ wide. They thrive well with other woodland type plants like ferns.
Hostas, this lovely perennial has beautiful big leaves, and can be found in many different sizes and colours. This plant does have a flowing spout that flowers in mid summer. The flowers grow off of large stems that grow from the centre of the plant. The colours of the flowers can also vary based on the type of Hosta you get.
English Ivy, the ivy is a climbing plant, it as able to climb brick walls, fences, tress, and many more surfaces. In an area where there is nothing to climb it will grow across the ground. This plant is valued for attracting wildlife, it will attract birds, different insects, even deer and other wild animals. Although it can grow in the sun, it prefers moist soil and a shaded area.
Jerusalem Sage, when planning your garden you may want to consider some ground covering plants. The Jerusalem Sage is a great ground coverer. When the flower starts to bloom it goes from pink to a purple as the flower ages. A good place to plant this plant is under tress or taller shrubs.
Hydrangea, this is another plant that comes in different sizes with different coloured blooms. This plant performs best when is has afternoon shade. The flowers grow in a head of blooms that flower from early spring to late autumn. This shrub like plant can grow to be quiet large so it is important to keep this in mind while planning, it can reach heights of 1-3 metres.
Lily of the Valley, another great choice for a plant that will give you ground cover. This shade loving plant will grow under tress or tall shrubs. Lily of the valley is a perennial with delicate bell shaped flowers that blooms starting late spring, in areas with a warmer winter you can start to see blooms in march. One thing to think about when using this plant is that is grows like crazy and spreads. I can easily takeover a garden bed is not kept under control
Lenten Rose, this plant is also know as the Hellebore, is a late winter blooming perennial. It will bloom from late winter into early spring. There is over 20 different species, some are known to be surprisingly frost resistant, and many are evergreen.
‘Double Mint’ Gardenia, this is a quick growing shrub that will start to bloom in the first season. Although this plant prefers sun it can survive in the shade. This shrub will grow 2- 3′ in height, with big 2″ blooms. The Double mint will flower from mid summer to early fall and can be very fragrant.
Mrs. Popple Fuchsia, this is a fast growing plant that blooms from June to October. They have a very vibrant coloured bloom that can make a really eye catching contribution to your garden. Makes for a great border plant in partially shaded areas. Is also popular in hanging pots for decks and patios.
This is just a sample of the different types of flowers that you can grow in the shaded areas of your garden. You can use a combination of a few or just choose your favourite one. I don’t know about you but I’m really looking forward to getting my hands dirty in my garden this spring.
6 thoughts on “Shade Loving Plants”
Excellent website. I personally love the home decor, home improvement concept. There is a lot of information on this site. Much thought and work went into building the site. I would love to know how the site is doing and weather it lived up to the owner’s expectations. The site has an easy flow and seems to be properly monetized.
Hi Gary, thank you for visiting my site. Decor is my passion and I have had a fulfilling experience building it. My hope here is to offer tips, tricks and ideas to get your inner creative juices going. Creating the perfect impression for your interior or outdoor living space can be challenging but it is also very rewarding.
Hi Sophie,
You’ve reminded me that it is that time of year to start thinking about my garden again! Most of my yard seems to get a fair amount of sun but there is one area that is completely shaded. Your pictures have inspired my to try to raise the decor quotient of that part of my yard! That part of my yard also gets a lot of water, and in spring to early summer, it mostly looks like wetlands – beautiful wetlands that the ducks and geese like to visit. And while I love our animal guests, once the water recedes it looks a little barren. Any suggestions about plants that would be able to tolerate the water and thrive once it gets to dry ground? And also deer resistant? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I want spring so bad, i’ve started to plan some projects myself… Sounds like I want your back yard… But I can also understand how it must be challenging as well. I wish I could add images here to show you some ideas. I would look into adding some Sedges and Rushes, they will add a lot of character to your yard and are perfect for wetland areas. “Soft Rush” will need some sun but it can flower with cute little purple flowers, “White-top Sedge” has a white flower and is deer resistant, “Woolgrass” is another options but it does prefer to have some sun. There are many different types of Sedges and Rushes that could work in your yard, you should check some out at a nursery. Good luck with the yard, I hope I could help…
Love your post and liked on Facebook! I’ve been trying to become a “green thumber” since I purchased my home last year. It has not been easy to say the least. Some of the plants in your post I never heard of. “Bleeding heart” like, never knew such a thing existed. Anyway, I will reference this post during the warmer months. Gonna attempt to garden again. Wish me luck! 🙂
Thank you for the support 🙂 and I know what you mean, when I first started getting my hands dirty in my garden I was shocked with all the things to learn. I find the best places to get the biggest selection is to visit a larger nursery rather then just your local hardware store that has a flower shop for the summers. Not to say that these places don’t have a great variety, but if you are wanting to learn more and really see some creative options, this might be something you want to try… There is something therapeutic about gardening I wish you the best as you develop your green thumb.